Oculogica is thrilled to announce the launch of OcuPro, the fastest roadside cannabis test with immediate results. See the full press release here.
Police departments across the US will pilot the new roadside cannabis test developed by neuro-diagnostic company, Oculogica. Officers administer the 45-second test roadside and receive an instant indication of recent cannabis use and impairment.
Oculogica has performed clinical trials in hundreds of cannabis users and non-users to develop the technology that records and analyzes pupil characteristics that cannot be detected by human observers. These characteristics differ in recent cannabis users, enabling officers to more confidently assess whether a driver is impaired on the roadside.
Current tests for cannabis rely on a sample from the subject, such as urine, saliva, or blood, and provide a measure of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in cannabis. However, THC can remain in the body for days, weeks, or months – long after the user is no longer impaired. OcuPro differentiates between recent use, specifically within the last 60-90 minutes, vs. use over several hours ago.
As employers, officers, and users know, cannabis in the body does not equal impairment, and having cannabis in the system is not illegal in many states. Driving while impaired, however, is. OcuPro addresses a huge unmet need for a scientifically and clinically validated test for recent cannabis usage, and impairment due to that use. Developed by a medical device company OcuPro‘s technology and premise is unlike than any other test on the market.